Efficiency of production flows

ROP ERDF 2014-2020 Action 1.1.2 - "Support for the purchase of services for technological, strategic, organizational and commercial innovation of enterprises "


VEMA STAMP SRL found the need to be supported by highly skilled professionals who can support the company in the proper management of production flows following the introduction of the new management system. The project allows the activation of a consulting service aimed at the analysis of existing processes, the identification of inefficiencies and related evidence of areas for improvement, the design and development of performance indicators and monitoring, the correct and streamlined management of orders starting from the master record to the production final balance.

The project has led the company to have a complete and detailed analysis of machine efficiency data to maintain control of productivity and plan improvement actions.

The company has had positive impacts from this process innovation project by fully achieving the following goals and results:
– speeding up the exchange of data between the different company departments
– reducing errors and inefficiencies
– mapping all processes with real-time identification of losses in order to act promptly with the necessary corrections
– precise identification of maintenance, tooling and production costs
– formalization of internal procedures, enabling clear management of processes to all resources involved
– having defined an improvement plan for the continuous efficiency of the order management processes

Thanks to the support of the Veneto Region, which with the POR FESR 2014-2020 fund was able to support this project by allocating a contribution of € 8,736.00 VEMA SRL benefited from the financial support that enabled the rapid achievement of the project objectives.